avali.zone is a website designed to provide a home for the avali species, the community, and all content surrounding it.
ComicWorld is a website designed to provide a home for comic series to live, seperate from social media and other creations
It is currently invite-only, if you would like to gain access to post, please contact me, my info is on the Contact page
Ever wanted an under-featured chat app that sorta works? No? Well bad luck! Relink exists!
A discord bot that features translation, quick-responses... and that's it!
A discord bot made for The Victini Pub, a discord server all about Victini! Hence the name
It handles some basic moderation internally, allows users to get a role with any colour of their choosing, runs polls and makes questions easier to identify in #qna-discussion
This bot is mostly hardcoded, and would need to be modified to work anywhere else
That's right, I made a bad version of the (un)popular webgame Guess The Hex, and put it on a Raspberry Pi Pico!
Why? I am still figuring that out myself...
Yes, I made this, and yes, I'm sorry
I am only really linking to this now because it was on every previous version of the website
Yes, even the one made in Microsoft Word.